[Newman-l] Week 3

Lanning, Paige pl698611 at ohio.edu
Wed Sep 9 12:22:02 EDT 2015

Hello everyone!

I apologize for the lateness of the email, both in the week and in the semester, but I had some technical issues to work out. I hope everyone is having a great semester so far and I hope to see everyone at our meetings!

Here are the announcements for the rest of the week and beginning of next week:

Tonight: As always, there is mass at 5:15 in the Holy Family Center chapel, dinner at 6:00 and our meeting is at 7:15. The meeting tonight will be held in the church, so if you arrive a little late to the meeting, you can head straight to to the church.
    An important note for meetings this year: please make sure you sign in at the beginning of every meeting! We are testing out new ways to split into small groups for meetings and we will be using the sign in sheets to do so, and if you do not sign in you will not be placed in a group. So make sure you sign in!

Tomorrow: For all those interested in playing softball, our first game is TOMORROW at 6 at the intramural fields. If you haven't signed up for the team already, please do that! As of yesterday we only had 5 people signed up which is not enough people to play. If you are unsure how to sign up, we will be helping people sign up after the meeting tonight.

Saturday: This Saturday is the first home football game of the year! It is a green-out and it is against Marshall (so it will be a good game). If anyone is interested in going to the game on Saturday, Jimmy and I will be organizing a group  so we can all sit together at the game. We will be meeting outside of Walter Hall around 6:00 on Saturday and we will all walk to the stadium together. Don't forget your ID's! If you have questions please see me or Jimmy after the meeting tonight.

Monday: Women's bible study will be back at the normal time (8-9) at the Holy Family Center.

If anyone is interested in "Theology Thursdays" please sign up at the table at tonight's meeting to get more information!

That's it for this week's announcements, hope everyone has a great week!

-Paige Lanning
PR Chair
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