Norris, Megan mn175810 at ohio.edu
Sun Nov 4 21:31:51 EST 2012

Hey Newmaners!

    I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Guess what is going on this week? FUNDRAISING! Some of you might be familiar with the Russ College Clean Up but for those of you who aren't, here are the details.


WHAT? Cleaning up and straightening chairs around the ARC everyday this week.

WHERE? The Academic Research Center at the back of West Green next to Stocker Building (if you don't know just ask it's easy to find and super cool inside :)) aka the ARC aka the engineering building

WHEN? Monday-10pm
            Tuesday-8am or 10pm
            Thursday-8am or 10pm
            Friday-afternoon (whatever time ppl are available)

            ~this takes about 30 minutes MAX super quick

WHY? Because the Russ College of Engineering will pay us $100 dollars to do the easiest job in the world. We need people to do it, but Newman does so much with the money we earn and it goes to benefit all of you!

HOW? Email me to let me know what days you are available to help out and what time (if there are two available) that works best for you.

Please let me know if you want to help guys! It'd be greatly appreciated. I hope you all have a wonderful week :)


Megan Norris

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