[MWERA] MWERA Proposal Deadline-- 2 Days Left!!!

MWERA List mwera at listserv.ohio.edu
Wed Jun 7 10:32:21 EDT 2017

Dear MWERA Family!

The proposal deadline is coming! With a deadline of June 9, we have TWO
DAYS LEFT!! So, if you have started a proposal in the system and didn't
finish, now is the time to log in to
https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/mwera/mwera17/ and finish it up!

If you are thinking of submitting, but feeling nervous, there is still
enough time!! Think of a paper that you have been prepping to submit for
publication--presenting your work at MWERA in October would be a great way
to get feedback as you make your edits!

Or perhaps you have some research in progress--you have started the data
collection, but it is not complete... well, consider writing it up for
presentation as part of our Research-in-Progress programming. Again, this
is a great way to get feedback on your work as it unfolds!

If you're a practicing educator and you did some interesting action
research in your class this past school year...consider writing it up into
a proposal to submit to MWERA!  And if you tried an amazing new teaching
approach??? Then that would be PERFECT for our new FLASH Session
presentations. We would love to see your proposal!

Or maybe you're an advanced grad student and you wrote an AWESOME practical
or theoretical paper this past spring... or you are just starting your
dissertation/thesis research. Please consider taking your work and editing
it down for MWERA 2017 proposal. We love to support burgeoning scholars!

Remember, *the deadline is 11:59pm EDT on June 9, 2017*. The Call for
Proposals is attached for your convenience.

I am looking forward to working with you and meeting you in October!

Dr. Tracey A. Stuckey-Mickell

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dr. Tracey A. Stuckey-Mickell*

*MWERA VP & 2017 Program Chairhttp://www.mwera.org/program-information.html
<http://www.mwera.org/program-information.html> *
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