[Latino Student Union OU] Meeting Thursday

Osorio, Sebastian so333707 at ohio.edu
Mon Oct 4 20:18:36 EDT 2010

Hello Everybody,

Hope you had a good an enjoyable weekend, this is just a reminder that we will be having our regular weekly meeting this Thursday, October 7th in Baker University Center - ROOM 229. Some things that we will discuss this meeting is our t-shirt prices and final design, I am currently trying to get a quote on the t-shirts so at the meeting I'm going to ask who wants one and what size (so please try to be there, if you can't make it then just e-mail me letting me know that you want one and what size). Also, this week our $5 dues are due, (if you do not have your dues, PLEASE please still come to the meeting we need everybody there. Lastly, think about some program ideas and other organizations we can collaborate with.

See you all Thursday at 7pm!!!!! ROOM 229! :)

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