[ITSA] 2011-12 Election Ballot

Straight, Ryan straight at ohio.edu
Mon May 23 09:06:04 EDT 2011

Happy rainy Monday, everyone,

Here is the voting form for the 2011-12 ITSA Offices. Unfortunately, there were a couple offices that had no viable or accepted nominations, so for those you will be able to write in a name. This doesn't mean that person (or you, if you choose to write yourself in, which is absolutely encouraged) must accept, but will, if given enough votes, be offered the position. We will deal with the event of a tie if and when we come to it.


Voting will be open until May 30th at midnight, so please vote early!


Ryan Straight, M.Ed.
Student System Testing Analyst
Office of the University Registrar and Rufus Initiative
Ohio University
9 Factory St.
T: 740.593.0144
C: 816.852.0168
E: straight at ohio.edu<mailto:straight at ohio.edu>

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin sounds profound.)
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