[GIS] Statistic Opportunities

Gamma Iota Sigma gammaiotasigma_alphanu at listserv.ohio.edu
Wed Apr 4 09:16:33 EDT 2012

Good afternoon Gamma friends,
My name is Cory Walter, I graduated about a year ago and was a member
for a quarter or two. I just wanted to provide you with my contact
information in case anyone is interested in alternatives to being an
actuary. I currently work for Information Control Corporation (ICC) as
a business intelligence consultant, which mainly means I help develop
data management,  reporting and analytic solutions for companies. ICC
is currently looking to expand its knowledge base in SPSS so if you
have experience or interest in data, IT, or SPSS please send your
resume to cwalter at iccohio.com. ICC is willing to teach or give the
opportunity to recent graduates with little to no experience. Their
only requirement is that you take a SQL exam and score at least a 3
out of 4 on. If you are interested I can send resources to help
prepare for the exam. We have one junior consultant who was a Math
major from Kent and he is leading the charge for SPSS.

Cory Walter
Business Intelligence Consultant
cwalter at iccohio.com

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