[Faces] FACES Modeling

Graham, Dontay dg674813 at ohio.edu
Mon Nov 7 21:26:34 EST 2016

Hey everyone!

    I hope you are all having a good week, and getting ready to finish out these last few weeks strong. We will be meeting Wednesday @730pm in Bentley rm 021.   Also, remember to participate in our weekly Instagram hashtag #Werkthatwednesday and be sure to tag @oufacesmodeling to be posted onto our official page.

     At this week's meeting we will be going over themes and ideas for our upcoming annual SIBS Weekend fashion show.  This is a long-running, and highly successful tradition that we hope you are all excited to be apart of. Just a reminder, please be sure to spread the word about this event and recruit as many of your friends as possible. We will have make-up artists, and stylist on hand to hep throughout the show. Plus this is a great opportunity to perfect your runway walk, impress your friends and get some amazing pictures of yourself as well. If you are not interested in modeling in the major scenes of the show, we also have filler model spots; you would only need to model clothes brought down by various designers in between our main scenes. There are also opportunities for you to work backstage, whether it be as a: stage hand, make-up artist, hair stylist, or working collecting donations for our philanthropic cause. We are very excited to see you all Wednesday!

P.S. For those of you who borrow items from our clothing closet, or other org members, for MVP, please be sure to return the items this week.
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