[Eecs_msee] URGENT!!! - New Policy for Thesis & Dissertation Digital Accessibility

Jadwisienczak, Wojciech jadwisie at ohio.edu
Wed Feb 15 13:03:36 EST 2023

Dear All,

There are new changes to electronic theses and dissertation policy in place, effective immediately. Please read carefully below and review the attached documents.

As of January 31, 2023, OhioLINK will require electronic theses and dissertation (ETD) PDF submissions to confirm compliance with digital accessibility standards. The OhioLINK ETD submission form will be updated to include a new upload document category for a digital accessibility report and the addition of agreement wording for acknowledging that digital accessibility standards have been met for the uploaded ETD PDF.

>From now on, all theses and dissertations are required to meet Ohio University's Minimum Digital Accessibility Standards (MDAS) as part of a university-wide initiative incorporating digital accessibility in all platforms and at all levels.

Students are encouraged to incorporate good accessibility practices throughout their thesis or dissertation writing process by using the accessibility tools available in Word, LaTeX, or other document production platforms during manuscript preparation. See MDAS Compliance Resources on the TAD website. When possible, digital accessibility reports should be included with submissions to TAD at each stage, including pre-defense and post-defense format reviews as well as final approval. Thesis & Dissertation Services will certify that ETD's are compliant when publishing theses and dissertations to OHIOLink after the student has uploaded their document and accessibility report as part of the required TAD process.

This policy change is effective now, and all current and future graduate students writing theses and dissertations must adhere to the new TAD policy in place.

Thank you.

Wojciech M. Jadwisienczak, Professor & Graduate Chair
Ohio University, School of EECS, Office: 740.593.1572, Cell: 740.707.4936

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