[DU-L] CL Final and Other Things

Smith, Benjamin bs212107 at ohio.edu
Fri May 18 09:34:02 EDT 2012


First off, good morning and happy Friday!

Tomorrow is the Champions League final (Chelsea v Bayner Munich) at 2:45. Since this is taking place during the normal soccer time, we decided at chapter to push soccer to after the game, say 5pm. We'll play it by ear whether of not we still end up playing. For the game, we currently have two options. Option 1: I plan on being my apartment for the entire game. You are all invited. Just text me or just show up and we'll make room. Option 2: Connor (and some other guys from around town) are going to Pigskin for the game. Contact him with more info on that. It should be a great game and an enjoyable time for all. Even if you don't like soccer, it's only two hours and it's a great brotherhood event.

This brings me to my next point. I feel like sometimes everyone needs to be reminded that you are only going to get as much out of this fraternity as you put in. I know we don't have planned out events every day or even every week, but people are alway doing something. Communication can be a bit of a pitfall for us. Don't be afraid to text each other, abuse groupme (even more so, I guess), and just pop into the house or my apartment. If you want to hang out, I'm sure someone is willing to. Not everything is going to be a formal event, nor should it be. I have had more fun with just random DU "bronights" than I have with any formal outing (or with any of my other friends for that matter).

I might not be communicating my point very well, but I just want everyone to be involved. I have gotten so much out of this fraternity over the past 3 years, I would hate for someone to lose out on all of those great experiences because they didn't text someone or anything as petty as that. We are on the cusp of booming, whether you can see it or not. The stronger our friendships are, the easier it will be to sell ourselves. We need to believe in ourselves before anyone else will believe in us.

I'm sorry if I am harping. I do these things because I care.

With all that being said, let's have a great rest of the quarter and just enjoy ourselves. Fall will be here before you know it.

Fraternally yours,

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