[DU-L] Filling the House

Hedges, Steven sh269608 at ohio.edu
Wed May 2 12:13:19 EDT 2012


Yesterday at Exec we discussed with Kevin the significance of having the house full. I know we've all signed leases, but I'm completely serious when I ask you to find someone to fill your spot. With Grapes expressing interest in living at the house that means we only need one more person to fill it. If you have any options or ideas please pursue them this week and get back to me.

Other important matters. May 18th is the first meeting of the Housing Corporation Board. This means we need to have everyone pay off at least the 1st and 2nd billing cycle 100%. More important reason; I would like to start having fun brotherhood events.

Lastly, and the best part of the email. We need to start registering for LI. Reminder, it will be held August 2-5 in Chicago. I know ten of you already said you wanted to go. I will give you the rest of the week to check over your summer schedules and we'll have a massive sign up at chapter. Any questions just ask me.

Ok, I lied, one more thing. Kevin is sending out his second Alumni newsletter this Friday. If you have any pictures or information you feel should be on that letter send it all to him.

Steven Hedges
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