[DU-L] Helping a Friend

Atim, Terfa ta977006 at ohio.edu
Wed Feb 16 13:53:15 EST 2011

 Dear Brothers,

A friend who graduated last year and will be getting married in the summer, Kathleen aka Go-Go was a DG and was very friendly to our chapter during Greek Week last spring.
This is a request from her:
    I just entered tozzi and i into the crate and barrel contest for "the ultimate wedding contest" if you search, our name is "Thank You Guinness" do you think you could send this over your list serve to all your brothers to vote? it would help so much because we are broke as a joke and need our wedding paid for! haha thank you!!!  http://www.ultimateweddingcontest.com/entry/104944

I think if you do it through facebook you will not have to register thank you and lets help her out.


Terfa J. Atim

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