[Dtwg] pre-historic terrapin numbers/abundance

Roosenburg, Willem roosenbu at ohio.edu
Fri May 8 13:06:42 EDT 2020

Russ Vic Kennedy publishes a book last year through Johns Hopkins called shifting baselines and there is a terrapin chapter in there that had thorough coverage of the anecdotal accounts of terrapin numbers

Willem Roosenburg
Sent from my mobile.
Please forgive typos.

On May 5, 2020, at 16:53, Russell L. Burke <Russell.L.Burke at hofstra.edu> wrote:

Have any of you come across records/reports where someone has written, or even just speculated, on the number/density/abundance of terrapins before or just after Europeans arrived?  I know for example that early European travelers to North America mentioned seeing very large numbers of sea turtles.  Anything analogous for terrapins?
I’ve never seen much of anything about aboriginal use, or observations by early Europeans of aboriginal use, or speculation about even earlier.  Seems to me that terrapins were probably very very abundant, but I don’t see anything on that.
Dr. Russell Burke
Department of Biology
Hofstra University

Senior Research Associate
American Littoral Society

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