[OU Dems] Week 11 Minutes

Sabruno, Heather hs016112 at ohio.edu
Tue Mar 24 21:58:32 EDT 2015

Happy Week 11!! Here are your minutes:



Saturday 3/28: The CDO conference is today! Attached is the schedule of events for the day

Make sure to register for here if you are still interested in attending:


Make sure to call your Senator to urge them to vote against House Bill 53, which will cheat 30,000 students out of the right to vote, you can look them up by zip code here:

Make sure to sign the petition here:

You can also write a letter to Rob Portman, to tell him you disapprove of the letter he signed sent to Iran, telling them that they do not agree with Obama's policies.

Wednesday 3/25: Flavor of the Week will be from 12-2 in the Bobcat Student Lounge(1st floor of Baker) and this week's flavor is lemon!

Tuesday 3/31: There will be a documentary screening from 4-6 at the Athena hosted by the Center for Law, Justice, and Culture, more info can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1575304332712090/

OU College Democrats Executive Board:
Jenna Moore (President) (614) 256-0981 jennamoore114 at gmail.com
Ian Slifcak (Vice President) (330) 523-9104 islifcak at gmail.com
Heather Sabruno (Secretary) (216) 548-1894 hsheather858 at gmail.com
Alyssa Alcorn (Membership Director) (440) 213-6605 alyssajalcorn at gmail.com
Danielle Telfer (Treasurer) (614) 456-9297 telfer.danielle at gmail.com<mailto:telfer.danielle at gmail.com>
Jake Fenzl (Communications Director) (614) 315-8106 jafnzl at gmail.com<mailto:jafnzl at gmail.com>

Hailey Butterfield (Historian) (614) 980-5010 hb267612 at ohio.edu<mailto:hb267612 at ohio.edu>??

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