[OU Dems] Minutes Week 5

Jenna Moore jennamoore114 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 23:07:44 EST 2014

Happy week 5 everyone! Here are your minutes from this weeks meeting:


Wednesday 2/12: We will be having date auction committee at 8pm and in Bentley. 

Friday 2/14: We'll be showing another movie at 6pm in Bentley 15. The movie is Salute and there will be pizza! If you have extra swipes, feel free to bring some snacks to share! 

Saturday 2/15: We are doing trash for cash at 3pm at Palmer place. If you don't know where that is at, contact someone on exec. We're gather donations for relay so please come! 
Tuesday 2/18: We are doing soccer as our intramural sport. We will be playing at 5:30pm  in Ping area A. Remember to bring your OU ID and dress appropriately.       


Wednesday 2/12: Flavor of the week is in the Front Room from 12pm(noon)-2pm. This weeks  flavor is raspberry. 

Feb. 13 and 15: The Vagina monologues will take place in baker theater at 7pm and entry is $7 and all proceeds go to my sister's place. The doors open at 6:30. 

Thursday 2/13: ACRN is having their date auction at 10pm at The Union.

Friday 2/14: The Vagina monologues will take place in Glidden Hall room 480 at 7pm and entry is $7 and all proceeds go to my sister's place. The doors open at 6:30. 

Friday 2/14- The Queer Prom will be at 8pm in Walter Rotunda. Any one is welcome no matter gender or sexual orientation. For more information go to https://www.facebook.com/events/412004655569643/.  
Feb. 22: The Good Works walk will take place and they're meeting at 2 S. College street. Registration is at 8:30 am. It is for a very good cause and a great way to help out people in our community. It's free to go but we ask if you donate just a few dollars. If you want to join our team, please get in contact with me! For more information go to :https://www.facebook.com/events/190722431115087/

Email your legislator to stop the NSA from listening in to your phone calls at https://thedaywefightback.org/

There is an event called Tour which will be like the amazing race and they are asking for our help at the different spots. There are multiple dates and the time would be from 9am-3pm. Contact Caitlin Roberts if you're interested.

Jenna Moore
jm226611 at ohio.edu

OU College Democrats, Secretary


OU College Democrats Executive Board:

Caitlin Roberts (President) (614) 893-5395 caitlinroberts14 at gmail.com

Brigid Iverson (Vice President) (513) 307-7144 brigid.iverson at gmail.com

Jenna Moore (Secretary) (614) 256-0981 jennamoore114 at gmail.com

Jessica Newton (Membership Director) (614) 557-6293 jnjnew4 at gmail.com

Ian Slifcak (Treasurer) (330) 523-9104 islifcak at gmail.com

Alex Doherty (Communications Director) (614) 290-9876  alexander.doherty.0 at gmail.com
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