[OU Dems] Minutes Week 12

Jenna Moore jennamoore114 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 00:19:21 EDT 2014

Happy week 12 everyone! Here are your minutes from this weeks meeting:


Thursday 4/3: Is the Take Back the Night rally and march at 6pm at Scripps Amphitheater! The march is to raise awareness and support for survivors of sexual assault  or abuse regardless of gender or race. Usually the march part of this is for women but men are able to join in too. If you'd rather be on the sidelines cheering on the girls, there is more information here https://www.facebook.com/events/1434605663450571/ 

Saturday 4/5: The Athens County Party Dinner will take place at the American Legion. It is moms weekend and they can come and see the candidate for governor for only $25 and get yummy food! Set up is at 12ish and dinner at 5:30. Rides will be given from the top of Baker at 5:15 for the dinner and some time before set up.   

Tuesday 4/8: We're having a sportsing day! It will be at 5:30 at the Mill Street fields (if you don't know where that is, contact someone on exec). We don't know what sport we will be playing so please bring any "sports toys" you may have access to or can get a grill (contact someone on exec about that too). Snacks are also appreciated! 

Sunday 4/13: It's Athens Beautification day! Registration is at 12 noon an speeches start at 1230. To sign up go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/athens-beautification-day-tickets-8685254831 and where it says registering as a student, fill in College Democrats in the box.  


Early vote has started!!! Since we WON'T be here on election day, it is important that we vote before we leave! Go to the Board of Elections (15 S. Court across from Big Mamas) to vote!!! 

Wednesday 4/2: Flavor of the week is in the Front Room from 12pm(noon)-2pm. This weeks  flavor is a fried food! 

Saturday 4/5: It's international table top day! The Bobcat Tabletop organization will be having an all day gaming event in Jeff hall library starting at 11am! https://www.facebook.com/events/255719874608649/

Saturday 4/5: Interrobang!? : A Women's Comedy Show will be at held at 8pm in the Baker Theater. It would be a fun event to take your mom to and It is a $3 suggested donations and all proceeds go to My Sister's Place here in Athens. https://www.facebook.com/events/1524293374463837/

April 24-26: ACRN is hosting Lobster Fest (A music thing)! The list of locations and performers can be found at http://web4acrn.wix.com/acrn#!acrn-calendar/cu27 

Jenna Moore
jm226611 at ohio.edu

OU College Democrats, Secretary


OU College Democrats Executive Board:

Caitlin Roberts (President) (614) 893-5395 caitlinroberts14 at gmail.com

Brigid Iverson (Vice President) (513) 307-7144 brigid.iverson at gmail.com

Jenna Moore (Secretary) (614) 256-0981 jennamoore114 at gmail.com

Jessica Newton (Membership Director) (614) 557-6293 jnjnew4 at gmail.com

Ian Slifcak (Treasurer) (330) 523-9104 islifcak at gmail.com

Alex Doherty (Communications Director) (614) 290-9876  alexander.doherty.0 at gmail.com
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