[OU Dems] A few things before you leave Athens...

Shannon Welch shannoncwelch at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 11:49:09 EDT 2012

Hey Dems!!

I hope your finals are going amazing!

Just wanted to let you all know about an event coming up this THURSDAY. We
will be screening a documentary, "The Road We've Traveled" about the first
three years of Obama's term at the OFA office, 8 N Court St Rm. 313!
Following the screening of the documentary we will be making some phone
calls! There will be refreshments and it will be a really great time! Come
hang out with us before Spring Break! The event page can be viewed here:

Over break, I have a few favors to ask you:
1. Ask your parents if they have any furniture they would like to donate to
the Obama office! We would really appreciate it!
2. If you are going on vacation, please bring back any
shampoo/conditioner/lotion/soap, etc you get from the hotel. We would like
to donate those items to My Sister's Place. You can view their wish list
for anything else you'd like to bring back to school to donate here!:

Good luck on finals and have an amazing break! I'll miss you all :)
Shannon Welch
(440) 463-0662
President, OU College Democrats
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