[OU Dems] Tornado Relief!

Shannon Welch shannoncwelch at gmail.com
Wed Sep 22 18:24:51 EDT 2010

Hey Dems!

Just wanted to let you know that we're trying to get people together for a
project for tornado relief. The Community Service Leadership Council is
sending people out on both Saturday and Sunday from 8-12 to help seven
families who have not yet been visited by the Red Cross. They'll be sent to
the Nelsonville Community Center and then will disperse to the different
houses. If you're interested, we will be signing up for Sunday. You need to
sign up online at ohio.edu/communityservice

If you can't go for the entire shift then you can still attend, but you
would need to drive yourself since we will be carpooling. Let me know if you
are interested and have signed up and I'll contact you with more details.
Keep in mind that these houses are disasters - so dress accordingly! There
WILL be broken glass- that means tennis shoes! We will be also borrowing
supplies from OU so remember to be careful with whatever you are using.

Please contact me and let me know if you are going to come so we know we
have a solid group together. Don't worry about having a ride unless you
can't show up for the whole thing because Nate will drive you!:)

Thanks guys, hope you can come!

Dems love,
Shannon Welch
Secretary, OU College Dems
Vice Chair fo Community Service & Social Activities, OU Student Senate
(440) 463-0662
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