[OU Dems] Week 2 meeting!

Nate Hall natehall5 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 08:43:23 EDT 2010

Good morning! 

I hope everyone's first week was marvelous!  Just wanted to remind everyone about our meeting which is tonight at 8 in Baker as usual, however, the room has changed!  We had such a big crowd last week (I was later informed that the number of people we had in that room was in fact breaking fire code) that we had to get a bigger room, so they put us in the Baker Theater!  If you don't know where that is, no worries, we'll be standing outside our normal room and en route to the Theater to point you in the right direction.

Also, Athens County Commissioner Lenny Eliason will be joining us, so get excited!  So remember: Baker Theater, tonight, 8pm, Lenny Eliason.  See you all there! 

Nate Hall
President, OU College Democrats
Vice Commissioner for City and County Affairs, OU Student Senate
Community Service Chair, OU Phi Alpha Delta

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