[OU Dems] The importance of election day

Nate Hall natehall5 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 30 16:05:23 EDT 2010

To the Editor:

The election this Tuesday, November 2d, is crucial for all Ohioans,
including current and future students.  Governor Ted Strickland
(Democrat) has kept costs down for students by freezing tuition at all
public colleges and universities for two years straight (unlike any
other state in the USA), making Ohio’s tuition growth the lowest for
any four-year period since the 1960s.  Strickland made it easier for
students to transfer credits between Ohio’s colleges and universities,
so they can start their BA degrees at low-cost community colleges.
Strickland’s “evidence-based” K-12 school funding approach is expected
to dramatically raise the state’s share of education costs, thus
equalizing the highly unequal quality of Ohio’s schools.  This year,
Ohio’s education system ranks 1st in the Midwest and 5th in the
nation, according to Education Week’s 2010 annual rankings; three
years ago, it ranked 27th in the nation.  With the help of state
legislators like Debbie Phillips (Democrat) and others who have worked
to improve Ohio’s education system, Strickland has accomplished huge
improvements for Ohio.

Strickland’s Republican opponent, John Kasich, says that if he’s
elected he will roll back school reforms including the new approach to
school funding.  This would be a big step backward for Ohio, harming
students and limiting their chances for good future opportunities.
Kasich also has proposed increasing the costs to students of their
education loans.  Why?  Apparently he has different priorities and

Bloomberg Business Week has named Ohio one of the top states for
recent college graduates, based on job openings and affordable living.
 Ohio’s unemployment rate has dropped for five consecutive months.  A
report by the Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank for the 2d quarter of
this year has ranked Ohio’s economy the 6th fastest-growing in the
nation.  Southeast Ohio in particular has benefited from Strickland’s
efforts to help small businesses, especially companies involved in
clean, advanced, and alternative energy, such as Third Sun Solar and
Global Cooling.  Strickland has helped small businesses throughout
Ohio and has improved the state’s business climate:  in 2006, Ohio was
ranked 38th in the nation and 7th in the Midwest; now, according to
the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council, its overall business
climate ranks 11th in the nation and 1st in the Midwest.

Make sure to vote Monday or Tuesday!  The Athens Board of Elections is
next to the Court House.

Alyssa Bernstein
Athens, Ohio

Nate Hall
President, OU College Democrats
Vice Commissioner for City and County Affairs, OU Student Senate
Professional Programing Chair, OU Phi Alpha Delta
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