[OU Dems] don't get cocky...

Nate Hall natehall5 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 01:53:46 EDT 2010


GOP Busing In Volunteers From Washington DC
Submitted by Anthony Fossaceca on Fri, 10/08/2010 - 9:37am.

Feeling a little more comfortable these days that Ted and the Democratic
ticket are going to pull through? Don't get cocky yet.

OhioDaily received a copy of an email being distributed to Greater Cleveland
Young Republicans. In it, a warning that should motivate us all:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dave Luketic
Date: Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 8:20 AM
Subject: Fw: Weekend help requested
To: Tiffany Hoke*

Please send out under GCYR e-mail.  I can't find the login information.

Whoops, wrong part of the email.

Here's the part that should have you off the couch this weekend and out
knocking on doors:

Volunteers needed!*

We have young republican volunteers being bused in from DC this weekend as
part of the Young Republican National Federation "Operation: Regain the
Majority".They are storming Cuyahoga county to help our slate prevail this

*We need local volunteers to partner up with these visitors as they go
door-to-door in our community.*

First, we had out of state actors storming Ohio for Kasich, now we've got
out-of-state Young Republicans coming to town to help John Kasich, Tom
Ganley, Josh Mandel, Tom Ganley, Jon Husted and Tom Ganley!

I hate losing to these guys, but if we lose to a bunch of scrubs being bused
in from Washington, I think I'm going to be sick. Let's hope Kasich and
Portman don't bus in volunteers from Wall Street. Or outsource their
volunteer slots to China.

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Nate Hall
President, OU College Democrats
Vice Commissioner for City and County Affairs, OU Student Senate
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