[OU Dems] Mr. Empower

Calhoun, John jc388403 at ohio.edu
Fri Feb 12 10:19:35 EST 2010


Just a reminder that Paul Hypolite will be representing us at the Mr. Empower fundraiser tonight. The event is held in the Baker Center Theater at 7:15 and the admission price is $3.00. Paul needs our support (and for us to make as much noise as possible) to turn this into another OUCD victory. Please come out and, if you have them, where a College Democrats shirt for solidarity.

Also, a congratulations to everyone who worked on the 4th annual date auction. Yesterday evening OU College Democrats broke records for a single bid, date auction revenue, or any fundraiser we have ever conducted. Kudos to everyone for kicking cancer in the face.

See you tonight,

John Calhoun
Treasurer, Ohio University College Democrats
Senator, Ohio University Student Senate
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