jc388403 at ohio.edu jc388403 at ohio.edu
Wed May 6 23:17:43 EDT 2009

OUCD Lovlies,

This is a forward I received from Sherry Wright. Sherry is a hiring 
coordinator for the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal 
Employees (AFSCME) that is doing some hiring on campus. AFSCME has a 
tendency to put out really solid job opportunities. I encourage everyone, 
even those not graduating this year, to give the e-mail a full read. 
Sherry's contact information is on the bottom. She will be here throughout 
the week doing interviews and talking with students. Please call her or 
myself if you have any questions.

John Calhoun
Vice President, Ohio University College Democrats

Be a part of the solution, fight for social and economic justice,organize 
for power! UNION ALTERNATIVE BREAK is a program for student activists 
interested in exploring a career in union organizing and the labor 
movement. Participants travel to an active union organizing campaign for 
five days of intensive classroom and field training. Program participants 
will be provided with lodging and transportation during the week as well as 
a $125. Transportation to the campaign site is the responsibility of the 
participant. Students who successfully complete the week will be given 
priority consideration for our Organizer-in-Training program. Open to 
seniors. Apply online @ www.unionbreak.org. AFSCME/UNCF UNION SCHOLARS 
INTERNSHIP provides students of color with an opportunity to work on the 
front lines of the labor movement.

Students participate in a variety of activities that may include helping 
workers organize a union at their job, building AFSCME's grassroots 
political program or conducting research for organizing campaigns. The 
ten-week internship provides a stipend of $4,000, on-site housing, and an 
opportunity to attend a week-long orientation and training at Harvard. In 
addition, participants who successfully complete their internships are 
eligible to receive an academic scholarship of up to $5000. For more 
information and to apply, visit www.afscmeorganizers.org and click on 
AFSCME/UNCF Scholars or email pallen at afscme.org. Open to sophomores and 
intensive training program designed for participants to learn the 
fundamentals of building worker power through union organizing. OIT's come 
from diverse backgrounds of work, organizing and academic experience. 
Participants learn the nuts and bolts of an organizing campaign from 
talking one-on-one with workers, to developing leaders, and organizing 
direct actions. Candidates are placed on active campaigns with experienced 
organizers who provide mentoring and one-on-one training throughout the 
program. Salary starts at $35,409 with family health coverage, a car 
allowance, twelve paid holidays, 401k, pension plan and more. Women, LGBT 
people and people of color are strongly encouraged to apply. Open to 
seniors and graduates.

Apply online @ www.afscmeorganizers.org For more information on any of 
these programs, contact Sherry Wright at (513)910-0998 or at 
swright at afscme.org for more information. AFSCME's 1.4 million members 
provide the vital services that make America happen. With members in 
hundreds of different occupations from nurses to corrections officers, 
child care providers to sanitation workers AFSCME is the voice of the 
dedicated workers who take care of America, and is a leading advocate for 
all working families. Our Organizers continuously
> help these workers strategize and fight to make critical changes that 
ensures justice and equality for workers nationwide. You can find us on 
FACEBOOK at Afscme Organizers.

Sherry Wright AFSCME
cell: 513-910-0998

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