[Dcoualumni] Announcement: Board Meeting, Tuesday August 23

Amanda Janice amanda.e.janice at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 14:59:47 EDT 2016

Good afternoon Bobcats!

Do you want to be a member of the Nation's Capital Chapter Board? Join us
for our Board meeting on *Tuesday, August 23* *at Fado Irish Pub in
Chinatown* (808 7th St NW, Washington, DC 20001). We will gather at 6:30pm,
with the *formal meeting to begin at 7:00pm*.

*To RSVP for the Board meeting, please email Lauren Vollberg, Vice
President (**lmvollberg at gmail.com <lmvollberg at gmail.com>). *

Other questions? Please reach out to John Moore, President (
DCchapterprez at yahoo.com) or Amanda Janice, Secretary (
amanda.e.janice at gmail.com).

For more information on the Nation's Capital Chapter, please email or
engage on social media:
Join the Facebook Group
Like the Facebook Page <http://www.facebook.com/NationsCapitalChapter>
Follow on Twitter <https://twitter.com/BobcatsDC>
Join the LinkedIn Group <https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1978845>
Visit the Webpage <http://www.ohiou.org/>
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