[Cssa-L] (no subject)

chengxun Han crystalhcx at 163.com
Tue Dec 6 22:29:04 EST 2011

River Park Towers

$375/mnth + utilities (internet, gas, electric, water)
4 Bdrm Apt  
5 min walk to campus

I am trying to move out by January and won't be able to do so until I find a subleaser. I'm willing to move out whenever you are ready to move in. Coming to see the Apt and meet the other roomies is highly suggested. There are two female and a male; all pretty down to earth. If you have an issue with smoke this is not the place for you. Our Apt is not a typical party/college house, we have nice things and try and make it feel as much like home as possible. However we do enjoy to party. Everyone chips in and we really become a family.
If interested or you have any other questions please contact me via email (14279968 at qq.com).

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