[CPN] next set of CBM-related proposals
Cantino, Philip
cantino at ohio.edu
Mon Sep 24 11:15:49 EDT 2012
Dear CPN members,
While the committee is voting on whether to delete Rec. 11.4B (see my previous email), we can also be discussing the next set of proposed changes that were stimulated by the CBM species proposal. Kevin and I have worked out wording for most of the changes that the CPN agreed to consider (see attached document). The only one we have not yet worked on is Art. 21, which will be more difficult. In the process of thinking about the attached changes, we noticed a few other related ones that we feel should be made in the glossary, and these are also included in the attached document.
Please think about all the changes in the attachment and send your comments to the listserv. We are not yet voting on these; this is the discussion period. How about if we give ourselves two weeks for discussion? Unless someone asks for more time, I will call for a vote on Monday, Oct. 8. In the meanwhile, I will work on the proposed modifications to Art. 21, some of which came from me and some from David M. I don't know whether I will be able to complete these by Oct. 8 because I'll be out of town eight days of that period.
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