[Counselor_Educ] [External] Counselor Educator, Multicultural Competency, Self-Efficacy Study- Calls for Participants

Bill E Owenby Bill.EOwenby at my.trident.edu
Mon Apr 22 08:43:11 EDT 2024

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Good morning, Counselor Educators,

This is a request for study participants to fulfill the requirements for a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership.

The title of the study is "The Relationships Between Sociodemographic Variables, Self-Efficacy, and Multicultural Counseling Competencies in Counselor Education Faculty." Scroll to the bottom for the study Link or access it HERE<https://forms.office.com/r/HhXxmH0QJb>.

Primary Investigator

Bill Owenby

Trident University International

College of Education

2200 East Germann Road

Chandler, AZ 85286


Bill.EOwenby at my.trident.edu<mailto:Bill.EOwenby at my.trident.edu>

Faculty Chair

Adam Fullerton, PhD

adam.fullerton at trident.edu<mailto:adam.fullerton at trident.edu>

IRB Approval # 2172131-1/2

Time to Completion

5-10 minutes

How the Results will be Used

This study aims to benefit the field of counselor education and mental health services through its findings. The results may gain insights into teaching strategies, contribute to the literature on multicultural counseling and competencies, and address societal and training needs.

Voluntary Participation and Voluntary Withdrawal at Any Time

Your participation in this study is voluntary. It is up to you to decide whether to participate in this study. If you decide to participate, you will be asked electronically to agree to the study when you proceed as part of the consent form. You are free to withdraw at any time and without reason. Withdrawing from this study will not affect your relationship with the researcher if any exists. If you withdraw from the study before data collection is completed, your data will be destroyed.

Confidentiality of Responses and Participation

Due to the study not requiring personal or professional information, such as name, DOB, institution, or licensure numbers, all responses will remain anonymous. This ensures participation is fair and inclusive and that responses are honest and accurate.


- Possess a doctorate that allows you to teach in a Counseling Master's and or Counselor Education Doctoral Program.

- Active, transitioning, or Retired faculty member in a Counseling Master's and or Counselor Education Doctoral Program.

Is Forwarding this Study to Colleagues Allowed?

Forwarding this study is permitted to colleagues. Please forward within your departments, organizations, associations, and others you deem fitting that may reach counselor educators.

Further information, Informed Consent, and Participation in the Study will be provided online. To begin, please click on the survey link here<https://forms.office.com/r/HhXxmH0QJb>.

Thank you!

Bill Owenby, MC, LPC-S, Doctoral Candidate

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