[Counselor_Educ] FW: ASGW Call for Scholarships 2021

Bhat, Christine bhatc at ohio.edu
Mon Oct 4 18:30:16 EDT 2021

Hello all!

If any of you are interested in applying for these scholarships please contact me if you want to discuss further.

Good luck!

Dr. Bhat

From: The Association For Specialists In Group Work ASGW <asgwwebsite+gmail.com at ccsend.com>
Sent: Monday, October 4, 2021 6:10 PM
To: Bhat, Christine <bhatc at ohio.edu>
Subject: ASGW Call for Scholarships 2021

An important update from us.


ASGW Call for Scholarships 2021

ASGW Call for Scholarship Nominations

Greetings Colleagues:

The Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW) is seeking nominations for several scholarships designed to support students in their pursuit of group work training, practice, or research. The recipients will be recognized at the awards luncheon during the ASGW conference being held on February 17-20, 2022 in Atlantic Beach, Florida.

We are seeking applications for the following scholarships:

*     ASGW Peg Carroll Scholarship
*     Barbara Gazda Scholarship
*     The Rex Stockton Scholarship

For a detailed description of these scholarships, kindly visit the ASGW website (https://asgw.org/about/awards-funding/<https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fasgw.org%2Fabout%2Fawards-funding%2F&data=04%7C01%7Ccounselor_educ%40listserv.ohio.edu%7Ca0df03a7c8e544f0be1708d987868a66%7Cf3308007477c4a70888934611817c55a%7C0%7C0%7C637689834171173847%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=ctM8VnVtDTYGXzvfIEJdh0q3upFYfvioetoWUvDzgZM%3D&reserved=0>). Please send scholarship applications and attachments to Dr. Priscilla Prasath at priscilla.prasath at utsa.edu<mailto:priscilla.prasath at utsa.edu>. Please use the name of the scholarship in the subject line.

All nominations must be received by November 1, 2021. Recipients must be (or become) members of ASGW. Award winners will receive notification by mid-December. Recipients are encouraged to attend the conference in-person to receive their award during the luncheon.



The ASGW Awards Committee invites applicants for the $2,000 scholarship given annually to honor Marguerite "Peg" Carroll, former ASGW President and pioneer in group work. The award is intended to support the study of group work and further understanding of group dynamics. Any student interested in the field of group work is eligible for consideration by the Awards Committee. Applicants are requested to respond to the following questions:

1.  There are many types of group experiences such as: therapeutic and/or counseling, decision making, task oriented, psychoanalysis, quality circles, classroom meetings, etc. What area interests you the most and why?
2.  Where would you obtain training in your area of interest? Be specific in respect to trainers, institutions, workshop sponsors, etc. In addition, describe your intended degree program, if it applies.
3.  In what setting(s) and with what population do you hope to use your expertise?
4.  How do you plan to assess if you and your groups are making progress? Have you had any experience with these evaluation tools? Explain fully.
5.  List the types of groups in which you have participated. Describe their duration and the positive and negative aspects of each experience and your role (participant, leader, intern, etc.).
6.  Describe your participation in professional organizations related to group work.

The application should have a cover sheet with name, address, home and work phone numbers, e-mail address, and the names and contact information of those writing letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation should be solicited from THREE professionals in the field who are familiar with the applicant's work. These letters may be from supervisors, mentors, major professors, or other individuals who are knowledgeable about the applicant's work with groups. These letters should be forwarded directly from the recommendation source to the address listed below and must be received by November 1, 2021. Recommendation letters should address topics such as group counseling skills of the applicant, evidence of ethical behavior, and evidence of professional commitment and potential. The application and recommendation letters must reach Dr. Priscilla Prasath, at priscilla.prasath at utsa.edu<mailto:priscilla.prasath at utsa.edu> by November 1st, 2021. Please put PEG CARROLL SCHOLARSHIP in the email subject line.


Two $200 scholarships are available to support and encourage students and/or new professionals to attend the Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW) being held on February 17-20, 2022 in Atlantic Beach, Florida. Applicants must submit a 300-500 word written statement that:

1.  Confirms ASGW membership;
2.  Identifies the university and degree program in which the applicant is currently enrolled or from which the applicant recently graduated;
3.  Includes a statement of the applicant's interest and experience in group work and in ASGW, including ways in which the applicant is likely to benefit professionally from attending the conference.

Applicants should submit a cover letter including their name, mailing address, e-mail address, contact phone number, and the written statement to Dr. Priscilla Prasath at priscilla.prasath at utsa.edu<mailto:priscilla.prasath at utsa.edu> by November 1st, 2021. Please put GAZDA SCHOLARSHIP in the email subject line.


This scholarship is awarded to support an international student to attend the ASGW Conference. The scholarship honors the work and achievements of Rex Stockton, an ASGW Fellow and pioneer in the field of group work. Rex has taught and mentored many international students throughout his career. He has also worked extensively to promote group work in Africa, with a particular interest in HIV/AIDS counseling in Botswana.

The scholarship will be awarded to someone who:

1.  Is not a U.S. citizen -AND-
2.  Is currently attending graduate school in a group-work related profession anywhere in the world AND-
3.  Demonstrates an interest in the application of group work in an international setting.

In keeping with principles of social justice, this award is also open to individuals who have an interest and experience in group work but limited access to group work training. Thus, individuals who are not graduate students but who are engaged in significant group work (task, psychoeducational, counseling, or therapy groups) in a country in which graduate school options are limited or who are denied access to existing training opportunities in their countries due to political, religious, or social identity reasons are eligible for this award. Such applicants should describe their eligibility under these criteria in their written statement (see further instructions below).

The winner of the award will receive $1,000 to support the cost of attending the ASGW conference; the funds can be used for expenses related to conference travel and room and board. The winner will also receive complimentary conference registration.

Applicants must submit a written statement of no more than 750 words that:

1.  Identifies the university and degree program in which the applicant is currently enrolled. (If the applicant is engaged in significant group work in a country in which access to graduate school options is limited, the applicant should describe their educational background and current work situation, including their group work practice.)
2.  Includes a statement of the applicant's interest and/or experience in group work, including the application of group work in international settings, as well as what the applicant hopes to gain from attending the conference.

Applicants should also provide one letter of recommendation that describes the applicant's group work experience and potential. If the applicant is a graduate student, the letter should be from a professor, and should also confirm the applicant's status as a current graduate student. If the applicant is from a country in which access to graduate school options is limited, the letter can be from a supervisor, mentor, or other individuals who are knowledgeable about the applicant's work with groups.

Applicants should submit their name, mailing address, e-mail address, contact phone number, and the written statement to Dr. Priscilla Prasath, at priscilla.prasath at utsa.edu<mailto:priscilla.prasath at utsa.edu> by November 1st, 2021. The recommendation letter should be submitted directly from the recommendation source using these same instructions and must reach Dr. Prasath before November 1, 2021. Please put STOCKTON SCHOLARSHIP in the email subject line.


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