[Counselor_Educ] Fwd: Employment Opportunity for students

Robinson, Mona robinsoh at ohio.edu
Tue Jan 24 20:02:53 EST 2017

Mona Robinson, PhD, LPCC-S, LSW, CRC
Professor and Chair
Counseling and Higher Education
Ohio University
Patton College of Education
432D McCracken Hall
Athens, Ohio 45701
(740) 593-4461 Phone
(740) 593-0477 Fax
robinsoh at ohio.edu<mailto:robinsoh at ohio.edu>

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: Lisa Ruth <LisaR at cecassoc.com<mailto:LisaR at cecassoc.com>>
Date: January 23, 2017 at 1:46:53 PM EST
To: "robinsoh at ohio.edu<mailto:robinsoh at ohio.edu>" <robinsoh at ohio.edu<mailto:robinsoh at ohio.edu>>
Subject: Fw:  Employment Opportunity for students

Dr. Robinson:

I am emailing you with the hope that you and other graduate faculty members can reach out to students who are about to or have graduated from the Ohio University's Rehabilitation Counseling Program and let them know of our desire to hire and mentor a CRC or CRC eligible candidate who would want to excel in vocational evaluation and disability assessment.

At CEC, we primarily do assessment, both career assessment and forensic vocational/disability evaluation. Our assessments are comprehensive, including medical record reviews, structured interviews and psychometric evaluation. We see mostly adults of all ages and from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds. Individuals we assess are generally injured, sometimes at work, and their traumas can range from amputations to spinal injuries to head injuries. Many come to us with musculoskeletal impairments.

We have other services as well, and I encourage anyone who might be interested in our work to visit our website, <http://cecassoc.com/> http://cecassoc.com<http://cecassoc.com/>. I would love to hear from anyone you think might be a good candidate for the work we do, and if I am not available, they can speak to Dina McAfee, CEC's office manager.

CEC Home | Disability Management | Valley Forge PA<http://cecassoc.com/>
Let CEC Associates create and operate a Disability Management Program (DMP) that you, as an employer, can understand and easily implement.

Dr. Walker would be more than happy to speak to students as you approach and discuss forensic issues in any of your classes. Thank you again for your consideration and your help.

Warmest regards,

Lisa Ruth
CEC Associates, Inc.
(800) 246-9767

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