[Counselor_Educ] Fw: [Ohcounsed] CRITICAL Legislative Advocacy Alert / TIME SENSITIVE/ Medicare Bill, S. 1830 (the Seniors Mental Health Access Improvement Act)

Bowen, Nikol bowenn at ohio.edu
Tue Aug 2 15:35:46 EDT 2016

Nikol Bowen, PhD, PCC
Assistant Professor
Counseling and Higher Education
Patton College of Education
Ohio University
bowenn at ohio.edu<mailto:bowenn at ohio.edu>


From: Ohcounsed <ohcounsed-bounces at lists.osu.edu> on behalf of Victoria Kress <victoriaekress at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 2, 2016 9:14 AM
To: Counselor Educators in the state of Ohio; admin at ohiocounseling.org
Subject: [Ohcounsed] CRITICAL Legislative Advocacy Alert / TIME SENSITIVE/ Medicare Bill, S. 1830 (the Seniors Mental Health Access Improvement Act)


We need your help NOW!

We all know it is time counselors become approved medicare providers and legislation which will allow this is gaining momentum. We need you to call Senator Portman's office today, Tuesday, and let him know that you want him to co-sponsor Medicare Bill, S. 1830 (the Seniors Mental Health Access Improvement Act).

There will be a meeting tomorrow with Senator Portman ......himself, not an aid!!

It will only take a couple minutes to engage in this advocacy effort - we NEED your help to see this through! It is very rare to get a meeting with a federal senator!

His office number is: 202-224-3353<tel:202-224-3353>.

If you can't call, please send an email through this site:


Attached here <http://www.ohiocounseling.org/resources/Documents/Medicare%20Support%20Letter%20Portman%202015.docx> you will find a letter OCA sent to his office that you can use to guide your thinking around your email/phone message/conversation.

YOU CAN SIMPLY CUT AND PASTE AND USE THIS LETTER IF YOU NEED TO!  This task will only take you two minutes!

If you get his voicemail, please just leave a message- this is fine!

We need an estimate of how many people have reached out to him via a call or email.

Once you have followed up on this, please check this box so we have an estimate of the contacts:


Even if you have previously done this, please do it again!

Thank you for all that you do to advocate for our profession! Let's all join together to advocate for this very important legislation!


-Victoria Kress Ph.D., LPCC-S (OH), NCC

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