[Birdarenaemployees] Charity event at Bird

bk314005 at ohio.edu bk314005 at ohio.edu
Thu Apr 2 14:48:37 EDT 2009

Hey guys, it's Ben Kohn from Bird.  I'm hosting a Skate for Hope event next wednesday, april the 8th at 
8:30 PM at the rink to raise money for breast cancer awareness.  The rink is donating the time and skate 
rental, and I was wondering if we could get a few volunteers to staff the event.  Ideally, if you could donate 
about 2 and a half hours of your time to this it would be great.  We need a supervisor, at least one skate 
guard and one or two people in the skate room to pass out skates.  Please let me know via email 
(bk314005 at ohio.edu) or call me at 216-650-3464 if you can do this.  I'd greatly appreciate it, and know 
that the event coordinator would write you a letter or recommendation, if you're into that sort of thing.  
Have a great spring and good luck!


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