[Ohio Cycling] FW: Ohio Cycling - Meeting Announcement

Bartone, Stephen sb591908 at ohio.edu
Mon Oct 22 21:27:08 EDT 2012


This past weekend held some exciting events for our club. Ohio Cycling had members rack up some community service hours by doing trail work, we had folks racing at the OMBC championship in NE Ohio and a slightly further north east in New Jersey!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 23, there is a LDWS - Leadership Development Workshop presentation for students to attend. As a club sports we are required to have members of our club represented.  There is two of these workshops, annually, and you attendance tomorrow omits you from needing to attend the one in the spring. Your presence will help out the club as we get extra funding for the more people we have. What a deal!  

Note that this is going to replace our meeting for tomorrow. Thinking we should roll up on our bikes, we'll meet up at the Civil War monument at 7:15, leave at 7:30 and cruise over to Walter for the speech at 8. No need to bring anything but yourself.  While we're together we'll talk about a few things coming up but again; no official meeting.

Hope to see you there!

Ohio Cycling

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