[Biking-L] Trail Work, Jerseys, Shirts, Fund Raiser

Fahey, Patrick pf185005 at ohio.edu
Thu Jan 21 22:55:37 EST 2010

Guys and Gals,

I wanted to get a few things out there.

1. We should do some trail work over winter. Club Sports has some strict requirements for service hours, and we're due for lots of hours. The best way we can fulfill them is with trail work over the winter. We can all just ride or walk the trail removing new fallen logs, not to mention any old logs that kept pissing us off over the fall.

We should plan on doing this the first decent weekend we get. I have a feeling it will be too wet this coming weekend, so let's plan on next weekend for now (Jan 30, 31).

2. We still have OU MTB Jerseys. We'll sell them at $40 to any members, and $70 to any non-members. There's plenty of them, so tell me if you're interested.

3. T-shirts are in as you all know. If you don't have yours yet, make sure Mike Feig (Treasurer) has your money and go get your shirt. Send him an e-mail or call him to get it taken care of.

Mike Feig
mf108808 at ohio.edu

4. Fund Raiser. We are still going to do the snowball thing. More on this later, but be ready for it coming up soon.

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