[ASU] ASU 2013/2014 Heroine

African Student Union at OU asu.ohio at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 09:57:17 EST 2013

Hello everybody,

Just a few quick ones:

As you all know by now we have a nominee for the 2013/2014 ASU hero/heroine
award. Our heroine is Elsa Chyrum whom we will be awarding for her human
rights activism role. Congratulations to her are in order. And
congratulation to the members who took part in the entire nomination
process. A special thank you to the 2013/2014 executive body for a job well

Last evening's general body (GB) meeting was the last GB for this semester.
As the executive we wish to send our sincere gratitude to all the members
for making this semester a success.

As the GB decided in the last week's meeting, the agenda for the spring
semester will be the adoption of a new constitution. Please find the
amended version of the constitution here
be sure to go through it so that we can all make informed decisions
when we table it to the GB on 01/25/2014.

Finally, I wish you all a wonderful thanksgiving holiday and successful end
to the 2013 fall semester.

Asante! Erokamano! Yeqenyeley! Medaase! Thank you! Merci! Gracias!

Jeremiah Asaka
African Student Union
Ohio University
asu.ohio at gmail.com
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