[ASU] The Hero's nomination again

Zere, Abraham az148810 at ohio.edu
Sun Nov 10 11:46:56 EST 2013

Good morning everyone on the list,

Thank you Patrick for sharing with us your nomination criteria. I have watched the TV stories and articles that mainly discuss his achievements. Interestingly, I did not know former awards can also be one of the main criteria for other awards, which I thought you gave more emphasis on your nomination. Just to add to the list, this year, with Edna Adan and Dr Nafisa Bedri he was also awarded “African Child Hero’s Award” by Ohio University, the very same reason why I did not nominate the Edna and Nafisa, which I truly believe they deserve the award every year until someone breaks their records. Not only the initiative, the sustainability, outreach and impact of the project are crucial for me. Both Edna and Nafisa are fully devoting their time and investing their personal resources to achieve their goals against all the possible odds. Yet, they never attempted to advertise their work.


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