[ASU] Revised Criteria for Hero/Heroine

African Student Union at OU asu.ohio at gmail.com
Tue Nov 5 07:54:14 EST 2013

Hello members,

Our inclusion of a criteria preferring an Ohio university alumnus with
regards to the hero/heroine award did not send the right signals to a
section of our members and as a democratic organization, we have revised
the eligibility criteria to reflect their concerns.

Please see the eligibility criteria below.

Eligibility criteria:

The nominee SHALL be an African or Africanist

He/she SHALL have done or be doing work that has had or is having
outstanding impact in any sector in the African continent

He/she MUST not necessarily be living in Africa by the time of his/her

The nominee MUST be willing to travel to and stay in Ohio University’s
Athens campus between the 17th and 21st April 2014

He/she MUST also be willing to deliver a keynote speech on the day of the
award ceremony (19th April 2013). The topic to be addressed in his/her
keynote speech will be discussed with him/her after the nomination.

Note to the nominator:

Nominate someone you can easily get in touch with when necessary. Give a
brief introduction of the person you’re nominating. Follow that with a
detailed description of the significant work they have done or are doing
(refer to eligibility criteria above for guidance). ABOVE ALL stay true to
the eligibility criteria stated above.

Finally, send your nomination details to asu.ohio at gmail.com or as a message
to our facebook page’s inbox.

NOMINATION DEADLINE: 11/18/2013 at Midnight

Thanks to those who have already sent in their nominations.

We look forward to receiving more.

All the best to your nominees.

Jeremiah Asaka

African Student Union
Ohio University
asu.ohio at gmail.com
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