[ASU] Disappointed

Manu Nguéyanouba manu18.06 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 6 16:12:27 EDT 2012

Dear Dr. Adeyanju advisor of African Student Union,
Dear Non-African members of ASU,
Dear faculty members,
Dear past and current members of ASU,

I only see these disappointing emails now! As the President of the Ohio
University African Student Union and on behalf of the executive board, I
apologize to you for the level of the language and the rationale of this
I cannot and do not want to take part of this conversation.It is a wrong
venue to do so. I only want to say a couple things particularly to Flavius'
attention and whoever else feels he agrees with him and/or who think they
did not get the right information about the elections:
1. When I have sent out an email last week inviting the General Assembly to
elections for the executives board 2012, I have attached a copy of the
CONSTITUTION of ASU and precisely encouraged everyone to READ it.
2. I have sent another email out calling for a General Assembly meeting to
form an electoral committee to head the elections and to have everyone be
educated and ask QUESTIONS about the elections in general.Unsurprisingly
Mr. Flavius were not at the meeting we finally had last Sunday April 1st.
3. During the entire year I repeatedly mentioned at General Assembly
meetings what ASU's constitution says about its membership. I made this
point at the Crossover, the first event of the year that we had.
The information may still not be clear enough irregardless.But it can only
be a mark of respect to oneself and then to other people to doubt about
things that are uncertain, and go from there to formulating questions and
seek for answers. If the constitution does not seem clear enough about
certain articles, there is an executive board to go to, if you do not want
to go the executive board, there are many General Assembly meetings to
bring your  questions to. And Besides all, we have an Advisor  who like to
make himself available and help us as he does in in many occasion.  Last,
we have faculty members who strongly relate to the organization and who can
answer your questions.
To make it short, I will highly appreciate everyone stops this conversation
here. I am consulting with the rest of the executive board members and call
for an emergent General Assembly meeting to address this issue.
Manu ASU- President

*If you believe you receive this email by mistake, please disregard it and
accept my apology for the inconvenience.*

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