[ASU] ASU Clothing Exchange

Jennifer Petrie jenlpetrie at gmail.com
Sun Oct 17 19:16:42 EDT 2010

Hi everyone,

Here is a head's up on another upcoming fundraising event.  We are
having a clothing exchange/ clothing sale October 29 from 1pm-6pm in
Baker 233.

For the clothing exchange there is $5 cover, and you take as many
articles of clothing as you bring.

For the clothing sale t-shirts will be sold for $1, pants long sleeve
shirts $3 ,  and coats $5,

We are also accepting donations of gently used clothes and Halloween
costumes to sell.  Please being the clothes/costumes to the Clothing
exchange/clothing sale on October 29th.  We will also be looking for
volunteers to work the sale.  If you can volunteer for the sale,
please contact me.


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