[Aphio-L] Important BobcaThon Information

Charity Chairs charity.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Fri Feb 16 15:09:49 EST 2018

Happy Friday Bros!

If you will be participating in BobcaThon tomorrow and are on our APhiO
team, this email is for you!
If you are not participating or not on the APhiO team (the latter is in
charge of getting proof to service for outside hours), then sorry to bother
you and you can just ignore the rest of this!

BOBCATHON IS TOMORROW!!!!! Get excited! Wooo!!!!!

Here's how we're going to keep track of everyone (this is VERY IMPORTANT if
you want your hours):

We are going to create an APhiO BobcaThon groupme tonight. You need to
email us (charity.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com) with your phone number by 9:30

Tomorrow, you will need to send us a picture (in the GroupMe and only the
GroupMe) of yourself at the event at 10 til every hour, starting at 11:50
a.m. The photo must be timestamped, so if you do not have Snapchat or any
way of doing a timestamp, then either find someone who does or come find
one of us (Amelia or Allison) and we'll take one with you. :) You will be
allowed to take photos with your fellow bros (so a group photo is fine) as
long as we can clearly see everyone in the photo. Also, make sure you let
us know who all is in the photo when you send it - just in case.

We want you all to get your hours, so please (PLEASE) make sure you follow
these directions and stay in touch with us. Email us with any questions you

See you tomorrow! Go Blue!

Your Charity Chairs,

*Allison Cook*
Alpha Phi Omega-Delta Gamma
Charity Chair

*Amelia Tritt*
Alpha Phi Omega-Delta Gamma
Charity Chair
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