[Aphio-L] Chapter Minutes

Mackenzie Kistler communications.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 22:00:18 EDT 2016

*APhiO Chapter Minutes 10/09/16*

ORDER DP DOUGH<3333333333


Guest Speaker: Kiley Landusky for Make A Wish. Contact: kileyl at makeawish.org

Office hours 2-3pm West 82 or by text appointment 6149062453

Shout out to By-Laws Committee… By-Law day announcements TBD

People going to Nationals, we will meet after chapter…

Kyle Caulfield, Emily Flint, Janelle Seibert, Nina Yoke, Danielle Whelan…
if your name isn’t on this list, and you’d like it to be, come to our
meeting up there after chapter… also if you are from Pittsburgh, can you
come and talk to us too?


Upcoming Leadership Events:

Non-Profit / Service Fair (Wed. October 12, 1-5 PM)

Bobcat Student Lounge (First floor of baker to the right of Bobcat Depot)

If a certain shift (1-2 pm) doesn’t work with your schedule you can go from
1:30-2:30 pm!

Professional Leadership Workshop: “Bragging Rights” (Tues. October 18,
6:30-7:30 PM)

Baker 366 (Behind escalators)


Dental Drive Donations go to Christina or Jordan

Ray of Hope donations to me - name on receipt pleaseeee

Grilled Cheese tabling this week! Drop donations off at my apartment, still
a couple spots open! Still need a lot more people for tabling Friday and
Saturday night - ATCO has loved the help!

Gamma Phi Beta Kickball Tournament this weekend - need 10 more people to
make a team! It’s only $6

If you have any interest in running for service come talk to us!!!


S/O to everyone who came to our homecoming events!

Come get your swag hats are here!!

I have change if you need to pay



Pura Vida Bracelet hours are up to date! If you were docked an hour make
sure you buy your bracelet (:

DP DOUGH TOMORROW 10/10 from 6-10 pm! Make sure you say APHIO & tell your
friends. Join fellow bros in Stocker 103 from 7-8 pm to enjoy your dough.

Get receipts to Kaci or Brittany by chapter on the 23rd

Yankee Candle group number is 990084749.  www.yankeecandlefundraising.com


Question: “Did you like the ‘whole chapter’ fellowship events like the ones
for Homecoming? If so, what else would you like to have?”

Office Hour Changes!  We will be having them from 4:30-5:30 at Front Room
on Thursday’s from now on.




I will have office hours this week,

I’ll email out the time/location.


-Treasurer: non-exec run for the position?

-Treasurer: Austin Seaman

-Fellowship: Madison Wisniewski and Abby Genter

-Communication: Sydney Van Ness and Maria Stroia

*Still nominating next week*

-Charity Chairs (2)

-Service (2)

-VP of Membership(1)

*Voted on next week*


FUNdraising (2)


Membership/Pledge Educators

History Night = November 17th (MANDATORY)

Initiation = December 2nd (MANDATORY)

Talk to us about running for positions

            -Run for any position!

Let the pledges get your signatures!

Charity Chairs

-Sign up for grilled cheese hours during Dad’s Weekend

-YOGA event is Thursday on South Beach, remember that you must bring a $2

-Anyone have an idea for a speaker??

-Tshirt design-- expect a survey comin your way

-Still more to come so don't fret about your hours

Audra Swan see us after chapter if you’re here

National Event Chairs

we will have a slideshow for you all next week!

stay tuned!

come get our signatures

Faculty Pageant:

Have a good week!

Pledges come get our signatures :)


Chapter hours will be up soon!

DP Dough is tomorrow get ur tweet on!


Seniors graduating in December please sign up on website (under December
10) so you can receive your cord!

Julia LaMacchia,Madison Horvath,Megan Schwarz,Rachel Schetazle,&Shanti Epp

Come get my signature!

*Chapter Mins Quiz:*

When is DP Dough?

When is the charity ball?

Who was the guest speaker?

*Communications Chair*
Alpha Phi Omega
Delta Gamma Chapter

Kenzie Kistler
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