[Aphio-L] Thanksgiving Dinner & Big/Little Night Info.

Membership APhiO Delta Gamma membership.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 11:45:24 EST 2015

Hey everyone here is some info we want everyone to be aware of.

1) *Big/Little Night- Wednesday November 11th. *Starts @ 4PM (We do not
have class this day, but if you are unable to attend for work reasons
please let us know and let your big/little know).  We are having a digital
scavenger hunt.  You will be divided into families with your littles.
Someone in each family will need to have access to a phone camera and a
twitter account, as well as following the APhiO twitter page.

2) *Thanksgiving Dinner* is now planned for T*uesday November 17th from 7-9
PM at UMC.* Sign up's will be on the website very soon.  We need a head
count so sign up.  Put in the comment box if you have a dietary need.
Family heads you will be receiving an e-mail shortly.

Haley Luedeke
Alpha Phi Omega - Delta Gamma
VP of Membership

Kirby Flowers
Alpha Phi Omega - Delta Gamma
VP of Membership

Elijah Bowman
Alpha Phi Omega - Delta Gamma
VP of Membership
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