[Aphio-L] Relay Hours

Relay for Life - Alpha Phi Omega Delta Gamma relay4life.aphiodeltagamma at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 15:50:49 EDT 2015

Hey all Relay hours are up! If you did not get a hour it was because you
never signed in on the sign in. If your hour wasn't logged please talk to
me at chapter or send us an e-mail!


Alpha Phi Omega - Delta Gamma
Relay for Life Co-Chairs

Kristen Hencsei
*kh028811 at ohio.edu <kh028811 at ohio.edu>*

Tracey Engle
*te753310 at ohio.edu <te753310 at ohio.edu>*

Morgan Sommers
*ms482011 at ohio.edu <ms482011 at ohio.edu>*
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