[Aphio-L] Chapter Minutes April 25, 2010 "Energy and persistence conquer all things." -Benjamin Franklin
APhiO Secretary
aphiosecretary at gmail.com
Sun Apr 25 22:53:44 EDT 2010
Thanks to *Rebekah Whitley* for doing the minutes for me while I was at a
mandatory study abroad meeting! Have a great week 5.
- Sit with families
~Guest Speakers:
-Athens Village
- Virtual village where elderly work together to allow them to
live in their own homes
- New service opportunity: volunteer to drive , do yard work, go
grocery shopping etc
- 2nd annual Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Great Strides Walkathon
- Ideas for ways to raise money: send emails to service account
- Ronald McDonald House meal
- Sunday May 16th
- Donations on website
- Need 2 people to make trip to Columbus
- Nelsonville Music Festival:
- Friday, May 14th 11 am- 1 am
- Saturday, May 15th 8 am- 10 pm
- Sunday, May 16th 8 am- 10 pm
- All shifts 3 hours long
- Must work 2 shifts to receive t-shirt
- Sign up by May 1st! @ stuartoperahouse.org/volunteer
- Beautification Day:
- Sunday, May 2nd @ 11 am
- Meet next to Memod
- Bring Moms if you want
- Creative Expo:
- Friday, April 30th
- 2 hour shifts
- Event is May 13th @ Convo from 8am -6pm
- Sign ins, comments, questions?
~ Ombudsmen
-ombudsmen.aphio at gmail.com
- Executive Meetings Recap
- Storage unit on E. State Street
- need to store any AphiO stuff?
- Passes budget for Moms Weekend t-shirts
- Service week ideas: Get excited!
- Room Reservations
- Avoid canceling fee!
- $50 canceling w/in 24 hours
- Still fee even before 24 hours
~ Rush
- Sarah Clouse
- (724) 504-7729
- rushaphio1 at gmail.com
-Ideas on how to make rush better: email account
- Pre-Rush:
- Sunday, May 23rd @ 7 pm before chapter
- Not mandatory, but encouraged to come!
~ Membership
-Membership cookout:
-May 16th @ Strouds run from 2 pm - TBA
- Chapter around 4 pm
Meet in Morton parking lot by 1:45 for rides
- Families have designated food items to bring
- Find Lowell at end of chapter to see how many people from family
are going
- Cornhole, canoe races, vball, and tie dying
- Tie Dye:
- APhiO shirts - prepay only!
- more info later
- sign-in going around
-APO Spark:
- Workshop at conference to teach you what it means to be a brother
- Membership clinic:
- May 18th 7-9 pm @ TBA
- APO spark, member testimonies, the history you didn't know
about APhiO
- Did you know?
- There are 367 active APhiO chapters in nation
- Watermelon Bust
- Congrats to Team 2- 4th place out of 18
- Raised $1800 and 500+ cans for Athens County Food Pantry
- Questions, comments, concerns?
- Leigha (614) 507-7959
- ouaphiomembership at gmail.com
~ Fellowship
- Congrats to everyone who came to play last week, 12-7 win
- Intramurals:
- Monday, Ping at 5pm
- No pockets or jewelry
- Fellowship of week:
- Bake with your mom
- Friday, April 30th 6pm @ Grover kitchen
- Watch for emails with details
- Rep Yo High School best dressed Eric Horton, 2nd place Perry
-let us know where standing
~ Relay for life
- 26 days away!
- Why I Relay
- Top Earners
- Letter Writing Party Monday 7-10 pm
- Sign up on website by Tuesday! Relayforlife.org/ou
- Events:
- Tuesday, 27th: Red Brick and Bake sale
- Wednesday, 28th: Bake Sale- need donations!
- Moms Weekend:
- Friday, 30th: T-shirt sale 11am-9pm
- Saturday, 1st: T-shirt sale 8am- 10pm
Bob Evans fundraising 2-6pm: bring in
flyer to get % of bill to relay
Chippendales 10pm-3 am
Hot dog sale 10pm-3 am
- Sunday, 2nd: T-shirt sale 10 am- 4 pm
- Reminder to send out emails!
~Inter-chapter Relations
- Nationals December 27th-30th
- Want 50 people to go
- Fundraising: Service auction
- Sign-ups next week
- Auction in 2 weeks
- Fundraising hour for donations
- Grilled cheese/hot dog sale:
- Mill fest, May 15th @ 106 Mill
- Meeting in Frontroom at 9pm
- Suggestions send to email account
~ Fundraising
- Make sure to donate before or at sale
~ Birthdays
~ Supportive Bro
~ Announcements
~ Happy Can
~ Adjourn
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