[Aar-mbh] Mahabharata and Classical Hinduism Panels at the AAR

Collins, Brian collinb1 at ohio.edu
Tue Oct 12 14:14:39 EDT 2021

Dear List Members,

This is a reminder about the programming for our AAR seminar this year (the first, albeit delayed, one). The papers will be circulated on this list (and soon), so please forward this signup link to anyone whom you think might be interested: https://listserv.ohio.edu/mailman/listinfo/aar-mbh <https://listserv.ohio.edu/mailman/listinfo/aar-mbh>.

AV20-434      Saturday, 5:00 PM-6:30 PM (Virtual) 
Session:  Alf Hiltebeitel’s Legacy and the Literary-Critical Method
Bruce M. Sullivan, Northern Arizona University, Presiding

Brian Collins, Ohio University
[Retitled] The Hiltebhārata: Rethinking Alf Hiltebeitel’s Epic Scholarship Through His Late Engagement with Freud; Including an Upākhyāna from Interwar Vienna.

Joydeep Bagchee, Independent Scholar
The Mahābhārata as Literature: Hiltebeitel’s “Literary Turn” at 20

Vishwa Adluri, Hunter College
Fathers and Sons: Deconstructing Paternity and Engendering Literature

AV21-416      Sunday, 5:00 PM-6:30 PM (Virtual) 
Session:  Multifarious Mahābhārata Methods
Arti Dhand, University of Toronto, Presiding

Sthaneshwar Timalsina, San Diego State University
The doctrine of vyakti or emergence in the Mahābhārata
Simon Winant, UGent
Redemption or Death: Jain Reinterpretations of the Slaying of Kīcaka
Andrzej Babkiewicz, University of Warsaw
Sacred, mundane and religious geography of the Mahābhārata


Assoc. Prof. Brian Collins
Department Chair and Drs. Ram and Sushila Gawande Chair in Indian Religion and Philosophy
Author, The Other Rāma: Matricide and Genocide in the Mythology of Paraśurāma <http://www.sunypress.edu/p-6920-the-other-rma.aspx> (SUNY Press, 2020)
Editor, Bollywood Horrors: Religion, Violence, and Cinematic Fears in India <https://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/bollywood-horrors-9781350143173/> (Bloomsbury Academic, 2021)

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