[Aar-mbh] Proposing a 5-year seminar series

Bruce Millen Sullivan Bruce.Sullivan at nau.edu
Wed Oct 23 12:34:11 EDT 2019

Good day all,

Some good ideas have been posted to this list regarding what topics we might want to include in a 5-year series of meetings as an AAR Seminar.  Over the next few weeks before the meeting in San Diego, we will gather together these ideas into the rough draft of a proposal to AAR for such a 5-year Seminar.  This would be one panel per year, dedicated to seminar-style discussion of several papers that have been circulated before the meeting, with publication as an intended outcome.

Please reply to this list with any ideas you may have for topics you'd like to see discussed in an AAR Seminar regarding the Mahābhārata.  We expect to have ample time to discuss such ideas at the meeting in San Diego following short presentations, so please attend if you can.  Before the year is over, the proposal must be submitted to AAR, so thinking about it now will be helpful in the process.



Bruce M. Sullivan
Professor Emeritus
Northern Arizona University
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