[Aar-mbh] Possible Topics for MBh Seminar

Bruce Millen Sullivan Bruce.Sullivan at nau.edu
Sun Jun 30 19:52:09 EDT 2019

Good day all,

These are fine and worthwhile topics to explore.  I'll add some more:

  * Dying in the Mbh

  * Aesthetic purposes and effects in the Sanskrit Mbh

  * Regional vernacular and dramatic variations on the Sanskrit Mbh

If this exploratory session in San Diego goes well and AAR accepts our proposal for a 5-year seminar, we would be guaranteed one panel per year.  We could have, but would not be obligated to have, a single theme for our one panel for the year's meeting:  we could call for papers on multiple topics and see what we get.  There is, after all, no need to persuade a committee that we deserve to be on the program each year, as we'd be guaranteed the panel and could do with our time whatever we think best.  That means we would be able to include the papers that look most interesting and worthwhile, on whatever topic, as far as I'm concerned.  AAR's expectation for a seminar is that publications result.

I want to respond to Joydeep's comment that we are not supposed to present papers at a roundtable.  For the San Diego session, we can certainly have papers presented, but the time limit will be short, only about 12 minutes.  The discussion can be in response to what is presented, since we have 150 minutes for our session.  The hoped-for seminar format will be different:  papers circulated among and read by participants will be discussed at the annual seminar (not presented at the meeting itself).


Professor Bruce M. Sullivan
Northern Arizona University
https://nau.academia.edu/BruceSullivan <https://nau.academia.edu/BruceSullivan>
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