[Studentsenatemaster-l] NO SENATE THIS WEEK

McDaniel, Caitlyn cm947610 at ohio.edu
Sun Jan 25 21:26:11 EST 2015


Picking up where we left off last semester, we are back on schedule: meeting only every other week. 

This means no senate meeting this Wednesday. The next meeting will be Wednesday, February 4th.

Some big things happened this past week, which resulted in protests and three arrests at the Board of Trustees meeting. I stand firm in supporting all students- including those arrested for student power on our campus. 

If anyone needs to debrief/discuss what's going on, please reach out. Solidarity among students will be key throughout the rest of the semester as we are faced with another devastating tuition hike in March that will affect all of you who are not graduating this year.


VP | Student Senate

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