[Studentsenatemaster-l] Final Dates for Student Senate Orientation

McDaniel, Caitlyn cm947610 at ohio.edu
Wed Jul 16 19:15:15 EDT 2014

Hello Team!

Hope your summers are mathematical. So we’ve finalized the dates for the Orientation, and it is crucial that everyone let me know (via this form<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1fdCRAt9fu5npSBj-pcXt6VEP2J11p2qsf_z9s0z7AG8/viewform>) as soon as possible if they can or can’t make it. Orientation will start on Thursday, August 21st at 1pm in the Student Senate Office. That means you will be able to move in between the hours of 8 and noon. We will provide lunch on that first day (vegan and vegetarian friendly, of course). This is definitely a very important event, and I think you’ll find it very difficult to catch up if you aren’t present.
However, for those of us who cannot possibly make it, we will set up a similar workshop later in the month, and will be providing even more workshops on activist organization and political effectiveness in the coming year.

The schedule of events can be found here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wTrk4Nny7Ex2C8l4RQOZ5AXfSu9l8clMx8bADfixrXk/edit>. Please let me know as soon as possible if anything comes up.

Caitlyn McDaniel
Veep | OU Student Senate
President | OUSSC
Senior | War & Peace Major

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