[State_authorization_update] FW: State Authorization Workshop CHANGES!!

Stone, Kia stonek1 at ohio.edu
Tue Feb 10 16:39:06 EST 2015

Good afternoon everyone and Happy Tuesday!

I apologize if you are receiving this message in duplication, but I wanted to make sure that everyone is getting the most updated information possible.





February 24, 2015

Presentation Session:
9:00am - 12:00pm

1-on-1 Q&A Session:
1:30pm - 3:00pm

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Ohio University

Baker Center - Ballroom A

Ohio University faculty/staff,

Your are receiving this email because there has been a change to the afternoon session for the State Authorization Workshop on
February 24, 2015 @ Baker Center in Ballroom A.

To provide more time for individual one-on-one discussion, there has been a significant change to the afternoon session format and time.

The workshop changes are as follows:

The morning session will offer a presentation with general and University specific detailed information. Then, the experts will be making themselves available during the afternoon session for specific faculty/staff questions.

  *   In the morning session, 9:00am - 12:00pm, a presentation will include general and University specific detailed information.

  *   In the afternoon, the presenters will be available for individual question/answer discussions in a drop-in format from 1:30pm - 3:00pm.


The presenters believe this change will allow them to better speak to the exact questions you may have.

For greater access, the morning presentation session will be recorded and will be made available to view on the eLearning OHIO website, http://www.ohio.edu/ecampus/about/authorization_faculty_staff<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010dvrzutgcVc31wI7aPPaoK5W8tjJyHGAiZ4ij0dW4hrYdlUshWACnHD89joIySUnZTKbgYYNVzaHAbnD8Jp5jBCZaSzlMGcU30pTDcwyfiX5KzVbukl-KWQlUWKxuSOifYZnQRv1mLRC_bFCwK55d7POgbayrE71> , within 1-2 weeks after the completion of the workshop.

The State Authorization Update listserv will notify those who are subscribed when the presentation is posted. If you are not subscribed to the listserv, but would like to join, go to http://listserv.ohio.edu/mailman/listinfo/state_authorization_update<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=0010dvrzutgcVc31wI7aPPaoK5W8tjJyHGAiZ4ij0dW4hrYdlUshWACnHD89joIySUnZTKbgYYNVzbUeBRFIynKemrMb0lfSMEG-mRT2hYRAILbpOevckMcK-LGlXSWQUypBrUozRFi7jqrwRpncsdfIw2kqJOQKBEVaSIhRKcmB5Q=>.

I look forward to seeing you at the workshop!


Kia D. Stone
Ohio University
stonek1 at ohio.edu<mailto:stonek1 at ohio.edu>

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