[Spa-L] SPA information and Research Assistance

Mieke Blackwell blackwem at ohio.edu
Thu May 21 15:56:50 EDT 2009

Hello everyone!
Tonight the SPA social will be at Casa Nueva.  Please come and join us on
the Bodega side at 7pm.

Relay for Life is coming up on May 29th.  Please come walk with us, donate
or help us raise funds.  The OU SPA team has already raised $1120!

Below is an e-mail that Pete received about the need for research


Subject: Research Assistance

Good Afternoon,

The purpose of this e-mail is to request your assistance with my
dissertation research project.  Specifically, I endeavor to contribute to
the scholarship regarding the intercultural knowledge, skills and awareness
of student affairs practitioners and graduate students.  You are receiving
this e-mail because you are currently listed as the departmental contact
for the master's program in student affairs/higher education at your
institution.  I am hoping that you will be able and willing to assist me by
sending the text of this e-mail (see below) to students in your program
and, if you have access, program alumni.

Thank you so much for your help!

Attention Student Affairs Graduate Students:

As you are aware, the role of the student affairs practitioner is to attend
to the out-of-class needs, promote meaningful interactions among, and help
students develop to their fullest potential.  However, these goals are not
fully attainable unless practitioners are capable of understanding, and can
interact competently with diverse groups of students.

The purpose for sending this e-mail is to request your assistance in a
research study designed to better understand the intercultural skills,
knowledge and awareness of student affairs administrators.  This research
will contribute to the scholarship regarding intercultural competence among
practitioners so that we, as practitioners and future practitioners, are in
a better position to serve students and by extension, enhance learning.

To participate, all you need to do is cut and paste the link below into
your web-browser and complete the survey by June 5, 2009.


Your participation in this research is anonymous. The data you provide
cannot be tracked back to you.

I am hopeful that not only will you agree to participate in this unique and
exciting research opportunity, but that you will also share this
opportunity with other graduate or full-time colleagues in student affairs.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns
(frankl96 at msu.edu).


Amy Franklin-Craft
Associate Director of Residence Life
G55 Wilson Hall
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48825
frankl96 at msu.edu

Mieke Blackwell
Graduate Hearing Officer

University Judiciaries
Ohio University
Baker University Center, 349
Athens, OH 45701

O: 740-593-2629
F: 740-593-4613


The Division of Student Affairs
Creating Community, Cultivating Leaders
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