Myers, Natalie nm118907 at ohio.edu
Thu Mar 3 11:02:20 EST 2011

Hey all-

This is just a final reminder to the committee that this is the LAST CALL to either...
- sign up for the scavenger hunt
- decide that you do not want to do it anymore if you are already signed up

I will be making the teams tonight and I don't want a team to be short one person who doesn't show tomorrow. So PLEASE let me know if you either cannot come or want to come if you haven't already signed up. THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE!

Just a quick recap about the scavenger hunt:
- Meet at 4pm in the courtyard beside Bentley, across from Copeland and Chubb Hall
- Teams will be assigned once everyone gets there
- Hunt should last about an hour

If you have any questions, call/text/email me!

<3 Natalie
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